8/24/2022 –

Wawayanda Shelter (828.8)(19.5)

The site by the pond turned out to be a pleasant place to sleep. I heard one animal passing by, something small.

I went through my full morning routine. Pack up. Eat breakfast. Camel up (load up on water). Lather on insect repellent. Morning constitutional. Left camp about 7:30 AM.

Had originally hoped to make up miles today. Unfortunately, New York is living up to its rated-8 difficulty rating. Lots of rocks which are sometimes very tricky to negotiate safely. That slows the pace to 1 mile an hour. [Maine is rated 10, New Hampshire 9.]

Rocky trail, NY
NY Rocky trail

I am dwelling on, and still mourning the separation on the trail between me and my traveling companions. I want a 20- or 30- or 40-year-old body back—in or near the prime of life. I want my Alpine body that I had in Colorado, that could more than keep up with any of my climbing companions. I could run marathons. But I’ve got my 65-year-old body. And I knew going into this, that would the challenge. Could I do the AT in a 65-year -old body? Could I do it SOBO?

I am mourning reality. That my 65 year-old body falls behind younger bodies. I’m mourning goodbyes to friends and potential friends who I cannot keep pace with. And perhaps, I am mourning a goodbye to my younger self.

Stopped at the Top Dog hot dog stand. Had two foot-long‘s with cheese, bag of potato chips, and a Coke. Then walked over to the Bellvale Farm Creamery. Had my first banana split in decades, three scoops of ice cream, nuts, whip cream, and three cherries. After polishing those off, I thought, “that was a tasty snack. Now what?“

A woman holding a double-scoop cone saw me preparing my pack. She approached and asked, “Is there a hiking trail nearby?”

“Yes there is,” I replied. “The Appalachian Trail is just over that way,” I pointed.

“Out in those woods? The Appalachian Trail?”


“Where does it go?”

“If you walked from here to the trail and turned left, you could walk to Maine. If you turned right, you could walk to Georgia. I’ve come from Maine.”

“Wow! Did you sleep in the woods?”

“Yes. It feels pretty comfortable after a while.”

“Are you going all the way to Georgia?”

“That’s the plan.”

“Well, enjoy your your hike.” She scurried off and repeated everything I told her to her husband. Her husband seemed much more interested in finishing his ice cream than hearing about a hiking trail.

New York ended with some rocky terrain. About 3 miles from the New Jersey—New York border, I passed a NOBO with a sour expression on his face. His passing comment was, “ I’ve only walked a handful of miles in this state. I already hate New York.“

There were three things I didn’t like about New York but I doubt he was referring to those (too few white blazes, shelters that lacked privies, and?). I believe he was referring to the trail that undulated up and down rock along a ridge for miles. It did get old. First, rock is hard on the feet. Secondly, we were exposed to the sun which makes the hiking hot. And finally, the ups and downs, and sometimes tricky terrain, made the going slow. I didn’t want to tell the Snowbell dad he had a lot more about to come. I chuckled, then simply said, “I hope it improves for you.”

Crossed the New York – New Jersey border today. Goodbye New York. Hello New Jersey.

Goodbye NY, hello NJ

Saw a group of 10 wild turkeys on the trail. Unfortunately, they scurried into the forest before I could video them.

A long hiking day. I’m proud to have done over 19 miles. Arrived at the shelter about 7:45pm, at dusk. Gnarly, Lever, and Gnarly’s mom were there also.