Alpine summits Katahdin, 6/7/2022

6/9/2022 – Mt. Katahdin: Northernmost Terminus, Appalachian Trail

Start camp: Katahdin Stream Campground (5.2)

Final camp: Same

Miles Today: 10.4

Miles SOBO: 5.2

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you (1 Pt 5:6-7)

Woke several times last night anticipating today’s attempt at Mount Katahdin. Eventually rose from bed at 4:30 AM.

Apparently I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t sleep. Others were also up shortly after me. We ready our gear together. The shuttle left at 6 AM for Baxter state park.

The drive through Baxter state park was beautiful. The park is dedicated to recreation second, wilderness first. There are no permanent structures in Baxter state park. It’s as close to wild as a State Park gets.

Most people borrowed a small pack available at the ranger station, including me. We loaded just enough to climb the mountain. Headlamp is mandatory, all other gear and food or discretionary. Everyone had to sign in with the Ranger, proving that they had a reservation.

Palette and I agreed to team up. We were a compatible pair. Our pace was the same, and I think we enjoyed the conversation on the way up.

With yesterday’s high winds and heavy rains, there was a lot of water flowing down the trail. However, today’s weather was better than predicted. There was no rain in the morning. Skies were mostly cloudy with hints of blue and sun in the distance. The hunt trail started gradually uphill, but soon became quite rooty and rocky. Another hiker, Huggy, joined us.

The trail steep and significantly and became a steep rock scramble and parts.

Bouldering on the Mt. Katahdin ascent

Eventually we climbed the ridge to a spectacular view.

Katahdin Ridge

In places the white blazes were hard to find. Finally we reached a plateau of sorts from which we could see Katahdin summit in the distance about a mile to a mile and a half away. We reached the summit about noon.

Palette and Huggy sat near the sign to rest and eat. I walked over to the Baxter Peak Cairn to tap the true Summit. I placed my Palm Against the Cairn bowed my head and gave thanks.

After taking pictures, clouds began shrouding the summit. We hustled back down the shelf. A light rain wet the rock. Our steep descent became slick and required 100% focus not to slip. The wind kicked in, cooling fingers. We were able to descend without incident.

We returned wet but with a great elation at summiting Katahdin.

Subsonic, from Kentucky, hosted the six hikers who attempted today’s summit. He built a campfire at his campsite and we sat and chatted and warmed ourselves next to the fire. I am enjoying the people I’m hiking with, and look forward to getting to know them better and others. Hikers I met or hiked with today include Reboot, Subsonic, Photo Op, Palette, and Huggy.

Sleepy mainly, but a very good day. A very for good first day on trail.

We’ve officially begun our through hike.